
Welcome to my blog! this is my final project for my english class. In this blog i'm going to talk about a famous personage, the sports, investigations and tasks about English II

martes, 10 de abril de 2007


We work with the parts of the body and the health's problems to make this conversation

Amy: Hi! What’s the matter?
Amanda: I feel sick. I have a headache.
Amy: That’s too bad. I think that you need to see a Doctor.
Amanda: Ok.
Monica: Hello, good morning.
Amanda: Hi! I’m here because I have a terrible headache
Monica: Sit down over there, and wait a minute please.
Dr. Daniel: Hello! Good morning. How are you?
Amanda: I feel bad, I have a headache.
Dr. Daniel: Why?
Amanda: Because I have a lot of work, it’s stressful, my life is stressful!
Dr. Daniel: Well, I’m going to give you some aspirins. Take one aspirin every day after lunch.
Amanda: Yes doctor, thank you very much. Bye.
Dr. Daniel: Bye. I hope you feel better.

I'm the doctor in the drama

I gave to laughter with the wig and the glasses...

2 comentarios:

Robin Gonzalez dijo...

sup with the haircut dude?.
watch that attitude.

luis dijo...

jejejjajajaj that was funny! your blog is cool!

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